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Chemistry Education


A repository of helpful articles from the extensive Educational Resources Information Service. Teachers will find lesson plans, tools to enhance skills and facilitate the process of teaching and links to a number of projects and initiatives.

CEARCH Virtual Schoolhouse, The
Great teacher's resource from Cisco Educational Archive showcases links to schools on the Net, libraries, art sites, technical and teacher resources and more.

Cisco Educational Archives (CEARCH), The
Chock-full of information about bringing the Internet to K-12 educators' classrooms. Visit the vast Virtual Schoolhouse for links to educational sites organized by subject or the Prinicipal's Office for resources regarding education planners.

Education World
American Fidelity presents a first-rate information packet for people involved in education. A cornucopia of links leads users to the information they want, be they teachers, college applicants, kids or adults looking for vocational training.

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Friday, April 25, 2003

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Eduzone, The
Helpful resource for K-12 teachers provides teaching tips, handouts, products, resources and links to a variety of important subject sites. Obtain the latest educational news or vent to your colleagues in one of the chat rooms.

Family Education Network
Whether you have a 5-year-old or a daughter just entering college, Family Education Network addresses concerns that will interest you and your family. Get the latest on financial, social and educational issues that affect our schools and our children.

Global Schoolhouse, The
One of the oldest education experiments on the Net, this project of the Global SchoolNet Foundation can connect you to the world, showcasing your projects and letting your students interact with children everywhere.

Special education becomes truly unique when computers are used to dazzle and guide, according to the founders of this national learning center. Lights, images, sounds: Multimedia brings together the favorite elements of any child's learning experience.

Peterson's Education Center
Contains thousands of links to K-12 schools, universities and academic programs. Search the database, request information, apply online or interact with faculty and administration at educational institutions the world over.

Planet K-12
Indispensable starting point for teachers wishing to access the Net for information usable in the contemporary classroom. Includes educational resources, a search engine, lesson plans, tools, store, a teachers lounge and much more.

A comprehensive resource for and about educators and education. There are more than 4,000 links to K-12 schools across the country, plus additional links to medical, business, law and journalism schools.

Study Web
Huge directory helps students and teachers streamline their research efforts. Includes an approximate grade level with each Web site review. Use the reviews to narrow your search results.


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