Education - College
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about this page.
College International
College USA
2001 Colleges, Universities and
Campus Virtural Tours
College Choice
Information service helps students get a head start on preparing for college. Tips on
everything from choosing appropriate high school classes to completing an entrance
application make the labor of preparing for college seem manageable.
The days of touring campuses are over. Information-packed resource for people considering
college and graduate school allows prospectives to search for institutions in preferred
states and tuition ranges.
Locator service provides information about colleges around the United States. Search by
college name or personal preferences to find profiles of over 3,500 colleges, financial
aid resources, electronic applications and career-planning tools.
Over 26,777 graduate programs all over the world indexed alphabetically by curriculum,
subdivided by geographic area.
Before entering the higher-learning fray, collect college facts, admission stats and
information about standardized testing. Get tips about studying, learn how to fund your
university education and get a good job when you're through.
Princeton Review, The
Peddles preparatory courses for standardized tests and offers free information devoted to
digging up financial aid. With impeccable organization, the Princeton Review racks up a
perfect score for college information pages.
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Thousands of study abroad programs in more than 100 countries throughout the world; search
by country, subject, language.
U.S.News Colleges & Careers
Center: .edu
Search the large college database and see which ones rank at the top. Find out how to get
financial aid and how to start your career when you're finished with classwork
Home & Education
Learn more about home schooling, attention deficit disorder and the advantages of using
computers in education. Learn how to help an unmotivated learner or browse education news.
Special education becomes truly unique when computers are used to dazzle and guide,
according to the founders of this national learning center. Lights, images, sounds:
Multimedia brings together the favorite elements of any child's learning experience.
Peterson's Education Center
Contains thousands of links to K-12 schools, universities and academic programs. Search
the database, request information, apply online or interact with faculty and
administration at educational institutions the world over.
Planet K-12
Indispensable starting point for teachers wishing to access the Net for information usable
in the contemporary classroom. Includes educational resources, a search engine, lesson
plans, tools, store, a teachers lounge and much more.
A comprehensive resource for and about educators and education. There are more than 4,000
links to K-12 schools across the country, plus additional links to medical, business, law
and journalism schools.
Study Web
Huge directory helps students and teachers streamline their research efforts. Includes an
approximate grade level with each Web site review. Use the reviews to narrow your search
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