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Science and Technology (Biology) - Zoology - Mammals





Wild Cats



Alaskan Animals
View photos and link to impressive facts about the animals native to Alaska.

Link to moose resources, including support organizations, symposiums and journals.

All About Moose
An index of a few moose facts and a lot of moose logos and emblems. More than just Bullwinkle.

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Hedgehogs
Real hedgehog information (including an FAQ), hedghog humor, and ASCII art.

Amorous Platypus
Links, platypus-oriented fiction, and the illusive plural word for the animal.

Armadillo Online
Photos, facts, habbits, history and a tribute to the unique animal.

Australian A to Z Animal Archive
Check out this virtual zoo of the cute and strange animals of Australia, as well as other details about the hosting country.

Australian Platypus Page
The beak of a duck, the body of an otter, and the tail of a beaver. Learn more about this truly unique creature.

Backyard Bat Page
One bat can eat 600 mosquitoes in an hour! Learn all about this beneficial and misunderstood flying mammal.

Everything the Internet has to offer and more than you've ever wanted to know about this furry little animal.

Basicly Bats
An organizaiton promoting bat conservation, research and public education on the real habits of bats.

Bat Conservation and Information
A graduate study and link collection of resources on this flying mammal.

A research project which aims to maintain a register of Flying-Fox (or fruit bat) colony sites in Australia.

Brockwatch Badger Page
Learn what you can do to save the badgers around the world, and check out the tasty tidbits of the badger gallery.

Buzbee Bat House
Delve into the scientific study of the proper temperature for keeping bats based on one man's investigations.

Interesting facts about the notorious humped animal, camel paraphenalia for sale, and camel tourism.

Center for Bison Studies
Montana State University provides news, articles, resources and a self-profile of their studies, research, and courses.

DarkFox's Domain
Furry art, photos of real foxes and a space for vulpine appreication.

Ecology, management, laboratory research and facts about the animal.

Donkey Breed Society
The British Society for the Donkey and those whose love and interest resides in this animal.

This animal, along with the Platypus, makes up the kooky Australian species known as the monotremes.

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Tuesday, July 03, 2001

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Elephant Walk
An elephant-sized database of links to all kinds of elephant sites covering preservation, biological info cute tribute pages.

Fact Sheet: Hippopotamus
Introduce yourself to the beloved animal also known as the river pig. Learn interesting tidbits and what the future holds.

Flying Hedgehog
Hedgehog fans, gather 'round. Win a hedgehog, view weekly quotes, Q&A, a color flow chart, and read from a list of potential names.

Fox Box
Articles, stories, pictures, and place to share your appreciation of the fox.

Friends of the Asian Elephant
Aiding in the survival, protection, and public education on the endangered elephants of Thailand.

Hedgehog Hollow
Heaps of links and resources for hedgehog breeders and appreciators.

Herds of Information About Zebras
Heaps of zebra photos, biological info, how to obrain a zebra and web links.

View incredible facts and photos that explain the teeth and dental structure of the hippopotamus.

Hyenas: An Introduction
Details on various species of hyenas, FAQ's and folklore.

Information on Elephants
Briefly covering the various types of elephants and listing links to other elephant sites.

Marvelous Mustelidae
Pictures of badgers, sea otters and a testimonial essay on their cuteness and allure.

Feature articles, the Rhino Calf Cam, Internet postcards, and tidbits for rhonoceros lovers everywhere.

Shrew (ist's) Site
A contribution to promote the investigation of the biology of the smallest mammal, and to serve as a repository of useful links.

Skunk and Opossum Page
An excellent resource for facts and information on the odiferous, often road-killed animals.

Skunk Info
An FAQ on Pepe La Pew and his black and white cohorts.

SOS Rhino
Preservation society for the deeply endangered species of rhonoceros, including counters for the numbers of rhinos remaining in the wild.

Tribute to Samson
The memory of Samson, Estes Park's favorite tame elk, lives on after his tragic death by a poacher.

Virtual Badger Sett
Check out the badger gallery and badgers around the globe.

Wavra's Favorite Animal
Biological and behaviorial information on the beloved beaver.

Wild World of Platypi
Lots of links and pictures dedicated to the worship of Australia's oddest animal.

Woodland Caribou
Incredible facts about the caribou's habbits, habitats, supporting organizations and risk factors.

A story of amazing coincidence involving a zebra theme, plus links to zebra businesses and other useful zebra pages.



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