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Science and Technology (Biology) - Zoology - Wild Cats

Asiatic Lion Information Center
A comprehensive encyclopedia of knowledge about the wild animal, its challenges, habbits and habitats.

Bengal Tiger
Quick facts and photos of this beautiful tiger.

Big Cats Online
Introductions to the various species of cat living in the wild today.

Cat Tales
An endangered species conservation park and zoological training center focused on the big cats.

Cheetah Spot
Completely encompassing every detail of the appearance and life cycle of this wild feline.

Feline Conservation Center
The exotic feline breeding compoud is devoted to the preservation and conservation of big, endangered cats.

Feline Paradise
An alphabetical listing of detailed biology and habits of the great cats, from the African Golden Cat to the Wild Cat.

Leopard Son
Promotional site for the Discovery channels feature film.

Mainely Felids
Dedicated to promoting responsible private captive husbandry of non-domestic cats.

Panther's Cave
Those wonderful cats have infested the Web with hundreds of entertaining and informative sites, pictures and shareware listed here to appeal to your finicky nature.

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Date Modified:
Tuesday, July 03, 2001

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Riverglen Tigers
Feline conservation park devoted to preventing the abandonment and abuse of tigers and other big wild cats.

Snow Leopard
Photos and brief, factual bio of the species, its habbits and its habitat.

Tiger Foundation
Canadian organization priding themselves on tiger and big cat preservation, protection, and public education.

Tiger Information Center
The hub of great resources for tiger enthusiasts. Romp through biological and behavioral info, ecology, games, conservation and more.

Tiger Temple
A vast gallery of pictures of tigers.

Tiger Watch
Informing and educating the public about the remaining five species of endangered tigers.

Wild About Cats
Providing responsible homes for captive-bred wild felines, and promoting the preservation of habitat for their wild-born cousins.



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