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Ag Page, The
A gateway to agriculture-related sites links to weather, precision farming, markets, universities and more.

Nearly everything agriculture is included in this index of businesses, associations, education, markets and more.

agLINKS Index
A massive directory of agricultural resources are categorized alphabetically by subject.

United Kingdom agricultural news and resources include links to livestock reports, dairy information, classifieds, more.

AgNet Australian Agriculture
This index of resources covers businesses, organizations and other agricultural topics.

Agralin: A Gateway to Agricultural Information in the Netherlands
From Wageningen Agricultural University, this directory points to ag-related publications and research.

French-language directory leads to agicultural resources for business, equipment, horses, and much more.

Agricultural Farm & Rural North American Resource Guide
Select United States or Canadian resources for the latest news and information on the ag industry.

Agricultural Resources for Idaho
Gardening info, ag news, catalogs and software sprout all over this page.

Agriculture and Agri-food Canada
This agency provides links to Canadian research centers that focus on crop production.

An international index of agricultural resources lists agencies, publications, conferences, associations, markets and more.

Texas A&M University provides a comprehensive directory for agriculturists that includes products, associations, agencies, more.

AgriWeb Canada
This starting point for Canadian agricultural resources offers cross-indexed sites in English and French.

An index and searchable tool peg a hefty collection of agriculture, environment and conservation sites.

The Amazing World of Orchids
From a mall show to an orchid expo, see pictures of these beautiful plants and learn how to show them, yourself.

Australian Agricultural Resource Center
An agricultural directory leads to Australian weather, livestock, publications and more.

Canadagriculture Online
This directory offers a pathway to weather, markets, machinery and other agriculture-related sites.

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Date Modified:
Friday, April 25, 2003

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Canadian Biological Server/Pages
Information on crops, education, natural resources and more is categorized by province.

Department of Soil Science
A collection of over 900 agricultural sites is accessible by directory or searchable query.

EnviroPlants Research
Explore the technical and economical efficiencies of producing, marketing and managing environmental plants.

A farmer-friendly directory links to crops, livestock, aquaculture, poultry, insects and weeds.

Florida Agricultural Information Retrieval System (FAIRS)
An extensive list of resources from the University of Florida accesses crop and livestock information.

INFOMINE Scholarly Internet Resource Collections
Searchable query from the University of California finds information about biology, agriculture and medical science.

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
This United Nations agency that assists developing countries with food production publishes news and announcements.

Internet Resources in Agriculture
An extensive index leads to agriculture, biology, food, natural resources and more.

Jim Bell's Page for Farmers
A Tennessee farmer operates this unique site. He'll give you crop conditions and links to his favorite agriculture sites.

Lampman Agriculture
This index targets the ag industry with links to livestock, grain, dairy, publications and markets.

National Agricultural Library (NAL)
A general overview of NAL includes information about accessing their online collection.

Not Just Cows
Moo than enough resources for agriculturists provide newsgroups, family farms and databases.

Ontario Agriculture
Resources, discussion and organizations from Ontario make up this agricultural site.

Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences' Gopher links to agricultural news and information.

Small Farm Resource
A very unofficial, home-spun Web site that offers advice on farming issues and seeks your input!

Find specific inforomation on soybeans and other related crops.

Tom Tolton's Home Page
A Canadian weeds agronomist offers updates on crop and pest management along with related resources.

UK Agriculture Internet Resources
An index of research institutes and agencies from the United Kingdom fills this page.

World Agricultural Information Centre (WAICENT)
Access to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization's libraries of agriculture, forestry, nutrition and rural development is provided here.

World AgriWeb
A "clear route" to agricultural information provides international resources.


World Agricultural Information Center (WAICENT)
From the U.N., this site provides access to the Food and Agriculture Organization's database.

For the Young Scientist

International Trees Corps
ITS encourages the planting of trees by children and will soon host a kids' page.

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