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Agriculture - Organizations

4-H and Youth (Georgia)
Georgia supporters provide information on opportunities available through 4-H and list statewide membership statistics.

American Bamboo Society
Newsy site keeps us abreast of activities. Links to local chapters and international societies and resources.

American Fern Society
More fern information and growing tips than you can imagine. Check out organization news and the spore exchange.

American Seed Trade Association (ASTA)
Group that represents and supports 800 seed companies provides organization news and events, industry resources and more.

American Society of Agricultural Engineers
An organization concerned with food-growing technologies lists agricultural information, academic programs and employment opportunities.

American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)
"Down 'n' dirty" information puts agronomists in touch with news, meetings, publications and more.

Asia Regional Agribusiness Project
This U.S. Agency for International Development organization provides bulletins, markets and trade information.

Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants (ASGAP)
G'day! Guides visitors to species, plant propagation and weed information. Photo gallery displays "strange Aussie plants."

Bull Pages, The
Rainforest/Gaia index branches into biology links, college resources, weather, preservation activists, mountain cam, more.

Canadian 4-H Council
Coordinating body for Canadian 4-H programs offers links to provincial agencies and other 4-H resources.

Canadian Society for Engineering in Agricultural, Food and Biological Systems
General organization information includes employment opportunities and meeting schedules.

Center for 4-H Youth Development at the University of Minnesota
This outreach agency provides details on research, workshops, programs and upcoming events.

Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs (CNFA)
Non-profit agribusiness promoters list International programs and news.

City Farmer's Urban Agriculture Notes
This non-profit society promotes urban food production and environmental conservation.

Commercial Horticultural Association (CHA)
Suppliers to commercial horticulturists list international members and trade shows and connects to a multilingual buyers guide.

Horticultural Society of New York (HSNY)
Organization news, including online newsletter and class schedule, accompanies plant advice and calendar of events.

Information Dirt Road: The 4-H Farm at the University of California, Irvine
Educational cooperative's page provides extensive information on livestock, linking to breeders, classifieds and educational materials.


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Thursday, April 24, 2003

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International Society for Mushroom Science (ISMS)
Organization promotes edible mushroom cultivation, offering news, event schedules and a list of yummy macrofungi.

Kanata-March Horticultural Society
Dedicated Canadian horticulturalists describe projects, broadcast news, schedule events, locate local gardens and link to gardening resources.

Maryland 4-H
Maryland 4-Hers offer a look at their programs, events, newsletter and much more.

Massachusetts Horticultural Society
Highly esteemed organization provides educational programs and maintains a world-renowned horticultural library. They sponsor a plantmobile -- a traveling workshop designed to give children hands-on botanical experience. Includes tips, calendar and links.

National 4-H Council
Supporting body for national 4-H programs provides organization news and details opportunities in youth development.

Ontario Horticultural Association
Organization brings together Ontario horticultural businesses and interest groups. Read news and district annual reports.

Palm and Cycad Societies of Australia (PACSOA)
Horticulture enthusiasts offer a gallery and species information, along with news, events and seedbank details.

Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, The
Pennsylvania plant lovers introduce their organization, announce upcoming events and provide a list of services.

Texas A&M University Floriculture-Horticulture Society
Features organization news, plant collections, upcoming events and related resources.

UGA Student Branch of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers
University of Georgia organization presents club information and student resumes.

United Agribusiness League
International commodity association provides information services to agricultural firms. Includes newsletter, scholarship info and more.

Urban Agriculture Notes by City Farmer
A Canadian organization that promotes urban food production offers news and links to related sites.



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