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Education - Professional Resources (Method & Theory)




AERO: The Alternative Education Resource Organization
The site is for people who want to change education to a more empowering and holistic form, and for those who want to start new community schools or change existing schools.

ALE: The Alternative Learning Exchange
The Netherlands group facilitates communication between adults and children of different countries and cultures who are interested in alternatives to traditional systems of education.

Alternative Higher Education Network, The
Among other things, the network is a forum for the discussion of alternative education, a provider of tools for assessment of existing programs within the schools and a resource for the creation of new programs.

Dalton School, The
Fine array of information on the storied Massachusetts school founded in 1919 by Helen Parkhurst after experimentation in her own one-room school with Maria Montessori. Good backgrounder on Parkhurst's Laboratory Plan.

Dewey, John
Love him or hate him, no discussion of educational methods can be complete without Dewey's inclusion. Try this site for a brief overview of his life and works.

Education for Life
Information on the holistic system of education that stresses universal spirituality, and an experiential base for learning. It is an approach that balances mind and heart, body and spirit.

Great Ideas in Education
Home of Holistic Education Press, Psychology Press and Resource Center for Redesigning Education, and publishers of the Holistic Education Review and other books on educational renewal and of educational tests.

Informal Education Homepage, The
Based on the belief that learning is a lifelong process in which people learn from everyday experience, IE works through, and is driven by, conversation; involves exploring and enlarging experience; and takes place in any setting.


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Kozol, Jonathan
One of the leading lights in contemporary education reform is given attention at this fan's archive of speeches, interviews and essays. Good place to get started learning about Kozol.

California's professional organization for educational alternatives maintains this communications network to keep people informed about resources, news items, legislation, events of interest and calls to action.

National Coalition of Alternative Community Schools (NCACS)
International coalition of schools, communities, groups, home schools and individuals committed to developing participant-directed educational programs.

National Service-Learning Cooperative Clearinghouse
The NSLC assists K-12 Learn and Serve America-funded programs and other educators and community agencies to develop and expand service-learning opportunities.

Natural Learning Rhythms
Basing its program on what it calls "stage specific wisdom," this approach divides childhood development into four distinct stages. Details on the methods and the application of the concept are given at the site.

New School Homepage, The
The Delaware alternative school operates on the belief that every person desires to learn, and to become a responsible adult, children must have the liberty to practice being responsible.

Odyssey of the Mind (OM)
News about the educational theory built on a belief that team problem solving is the best way to teach. Come to the site to learn more about the organization, its theory and practice and more.

Paths of Learning Resource Center
A magazine and *online* resource center to help parents, educators, researchers and policymakers who wish to learn more about holistic, democratic, or learner-centered approaches to teaching and learning.

Progressive Educator, The
Resource for those interested in progressive education. Alternative education, negotiated curriculum, Montessori and home schooling are some of the discussion arenas.

Rural Inclusion Project
The still-controversial theory of integrating students with disabilities is the topic here. The site has an overview of the project and courses on using the system, technology and facilitating social networks.


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