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Education - Professional Resources (Montessori)

American Montessori Society
Information on the AMS and its services, position papers on current issues in education, a list of teacher education program, a list of schools, and in-depth looks into the method and its successes.

Center for Contemporary Montessori Programs, The
Minneapolis' College of St. Catherine is the only American Montessori Society-affiliated teacher education program in the upper Midwest. The school offers on or off campus training leading to AMS teacher certification.

Index of AMC Resources
A very hefty collection of news and other information on Montessori presented by American Montessori Consulting. Includes areas for preschoolers, grade schoolers, teachers, parents, home schoolers and more.

International Montessori Society
The nonprofit Maryland organization provides a range of programs, services and support for Montessori education.

Montessori Catholic Council
Montessori's methods have been placed in many contexts; this site focuses on a Catholic approach to them. Includes essays on the methods, Montessori and Catholicism, job listings and an FAQ.

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Tuesday, July 03, 2001

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Montessori Network, The
The official site of the Montessori Foundation contains Tomorrow's Child magazine, school directory, library, registry, links to the Montessori community and more.

Montessori World Web Site
U.K. site operated by the owners of a couple of Montessori schools collects information on Montessori equipment, seminars, teachers club, furniture, software and the like. Lots of resources worldwide.

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA)
Turn to this site for a brief explanation of Maria Montessori and her educational theories, for parental information, NAMTA articles and services, research and school administration



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