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Science and Technology (Biology) - Resources

Beyond Bio 101
Beyond Bio 101 describes the remarkable changes taking place in how American college students learn biology.

Bio I Virtual Lab Book
Biology I classes at Sidwell Friends School have compiled a Virtual Lab Book as an educational experience and Internet resource.

Biodiversity and Biological Collections Web Server, The
This server is devoted to information of interest to systematists and other biologists of the organismic kind.

Biologic Fluid Dynamics Home Page
Access hypertext documents on airflow and vascular flow dynamics and chaotic and nonlinear biologic processes.

Biological Macromolecule Crystallization Database
An archive of crystal data and crystallization conditions, which has been compiled from recent literature.

Biologist's Guide to Internet Resources, A
Download a free, 40-page guide to free Internet resources for biologists, including discussion groups, mailing lists, newsletters and more.

Biologists Search Palette
Biologists can browse the most useful search engines for biological databases on the Internet.

Biology Place, The
Resources at The Biology Place help students and educators get the most out of their biology classes.

BIOSCI provides a gateway to a set of electronic communication forums used by biological scientists worldwide.

A searchable directory of biomedical research products, services and other resources for molecular biologists.

Biosystematics and Life Science Resources
Find information on taxonomy, nomenclature and other subjects of interest to biologists.

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Friday, April 25, 2003

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CSU Bioweb
Obtain biological science teaching and research resources and original multimedia resources for the teaching of biology.

History of Biology
Undergraduates majoring in biology post paper drafts for others to read and critique online.

Human Viruses
General information on the characteristics, properties and families of viruses which are known to infect humans.

Life in the Universe
The contents of this site accompany and supplement Stephen Hawking's "Life in the Universe" CD-ROM.

MIT Biology Hypertextbook
A variety of components are designed to be used independently or together to facilitate your understanding of introductory molecular biology.

Shaggy's Den
Allow "The Shagster" to guide you through various grottos containing instructional resources on biology, ecology and evolution.

USGS Biological Resources Division (BRD)
The BRD presents information about its efforts to manage and conserve the biological resources of the United States.

Workshop Biology
A project at the University of Oregon is designed to improve biology teaching for non-biology majors.

WWW Cell Biology Course, The
This online course is meant to help anyone interested in learning about cell biology.


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