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Science and Technology (Biology) - Zoology - Reptiles



All About Toads
Learn the difference between frogs and toads, toad facts, and join toad fanciers in their quest for knowledge.

Crocodile Specialist Group
Bringing alligators, caimans, crocodiles, and gharials back from the edge of extinction and returning them to former abundance.

Crocodilian, Tuatara and Turtle Species
A mammoth online taxonomic and geographic reference .

Natural history and conservation, biology, links, and crocodile communication articles.

Deformed Frog Research
Completely bizarre photos, theories, hypothesis and info on the research project.

Frogs Give Warning
Learn how deformities in frogs can be indicators to the progressive state of environmental decay.

Gator Hole
Myths and facts, biological info and habitat habbits, and a general introduction to the alligators of the southeastern US.

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Date Modified:
Tuesday, July 03, 2001

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Interactive Frog Disection
This online virtual tutorial eliminates the need for every high school student to disect their own frog.

LBL ITG Whole Frog Project
Enabling high school students to use this virtual online frog dissection to study anatomy rather than cutting up their own.

Crocodiles, dinosaurs, lizards, snakes, and the ilk, if it has amphibious tendencies, you will find a bunch of links on it here.

Toads, Frogs and Tadpoles
Herpetiles, amphibians, and related photos available for liscensing to any media.

WWW Snake Sites
Embrace this collection of slithering snake links organized by ssssspecies.



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