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Science and Technology (Biology) - Marine Biology - Mollusks

Aquatic Mollusks of North Dakota
Mussels, Pil Clams and Snails are listed by classification and discussed in detail.

Cephalopod Page
An introduction and host of resources for those interested in the phyllum Mollusca containing squid, octopus, or cuttlefish.

Conchologists of America
Their main index contains meeting and membership info, educational materials, and conch and other mollusk facts.

The Cuttlefish of Sentosa

German Slug Site
Take in slug facts, photos, and bios from around the globe, including a listing of all slugs in alphabetical order.

Glossary of Molluscan Terminology
A scientific index of vocabulary words and nomanclature.

Hawaiian Shell News
A monthly educational magazine of the Hawaiian Malacological Society providing information about mollusks of all kinds to shell collectors.

Hermit Crab Sponges
A profile and encyclopdic entry on hermit crabs' behavior in their natural habitats.

House of Slime
Dedicated to all things slimey, including the lovable pet slug.

In Search of Giant Squid
An online exhibition from the Smithsonain Institute seeking the mysterious giant squid.

Internet Resources for Conchologists
A great index of organizations, scientific materials, shell clubs and Internet tools.

Loligo Pealei
A well-done hypertext table of the squid and all surrounding scientific informaiton. Order online.

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Tuesday, July 03, 2001

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Molluscan Pictures
Specializing in identification photos of marine and non-marine mollusks.

Molluscs Net
Events, tours, connections and commercial resources for shell collectors and admirers.

Nudibranch at Coral Reef Gallery
A photographic collection of colorful sea slugs from the Phillipine Islands.

Nudibranchs of the British Isles
Identification guide to the nudibranch sea slugs of Great Britain and Ireland based on a book on nudibranchs of the British Isles.

Slug Site
Sharing photos and ecological information on the Opisthobranch Molluscs.

A snail-friendly place to be featuring their benefits as pets, the differences between snails and slugs, and links to other useful resources.

Links to squid-themed sties delivering scientific info and calamari recipes.

Vita Marina and Spirula
Peruse profiles of two marine zoology magazines; one specializing in mollusks, and one devoted to shell collectors.

Young Person's Guide to Some Squids, A
A tiny introduction to squid facts and terminology.

Zebra Mussel
Photographs and a large research project posted for other mollusk and marine life enthusiasts


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