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Science and Technology (Biology) - Microbiology

Aerobiological Engineering
Understand the art and science of designing buildings and systems for the control of airborne pathogens.

Aerobiology International
Links of aerobiological interest are furnished with current aerobiology news.

Antibody Resource Page
A multi-disciplinary resource on antibodies was designed for both novices and experts.

Biology of Microorganisms
Intended to accompany a same-title text, this online student study guide is packed with content for distance learners, containing key words and phrases, self tests and essay questions. Material is organized by chapter.

Bugs in the News!
Articles explain complex microbiological terminology and matter in simple terms.

CELLS alive! 
Award-winning look into microscopy, with abundant pictures and QuickTime movies. Watch the formation of antibodies, see what happens on a microscopic level when a splinter gets stuck in your foot, follow cytotoxic T-cells as they attack cancer cells.

The first extensive cyanobacterial bibliography online contains over 4500 references .

Effects of Under-Usage of Antibiotics on Bacteria, The
An experiment demonstrates the effect that the under-usage of antibiotics has on bacteria.

ExPASy Molecular Biology Server 
Covers seriously technical and arcane aspects of molecular biology. Best online resource for investigations of protein and nucleic acid sequences. Provides tools, software packages, ExPASy publications and abstracts and biochemistry jokes.

Glossary of Microbiology
Search a glossary of microbiology terminology that provides definitions and related links.

International Study Group on New Antimicrobial Strategies (ISGNAS)
ISGNAS members contribute to the understanding of the pathophysiology of infectious diseases.

Medical Microbiology
Teaching materials for use in lessons on medical microbiology include the Infectious Diseases Laboratory Notebook.

MedWeb: Microbiology and Virology
Browse an alphabetized collection of links to online microbiology resources.

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Tuesday, July 03, 2001

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Microbial Ecology
A Ph.D. student shares research on meso and oligotrophic aquatic environments like the Gotland Tief and the Baltic Sea.

Microbiology & Public Health
Stay healthy with these tips from health professionals and get to know microbiological characters of distinction.

Microbiology Jump Station
A comprehensive index of microbiology links is maintained for microbiologists.

Microbiology Network, The
The Microbiology Network and Microbiology Bulletin Board System serve as communication resources for the microbiologist.

MIT Biology Hypertextbook
A variety of components are designed to be used independently or together to facilitate your understanding of introductory molecular biology.

Murray's Page
Help Murray (the bacterium and actor) solve his identity crisis while you learn about microbiology.

Notes on Epidemiological Typing
This site is designed to give microbiologists an idea of the techniques that can be applied to the division of bacterial beyond the species barrier.

A great source for news and information about emerging diseases, including historic outbreaks and in-depth coverage of emerging diseases including BSE/CJD ("mad cow" and its human version), H5N1 influenza (the Hong Kong "bird flu") and Ebola.

Plant Viruses Online
Pages contain information on most species of virus known to infect plants, including data on host range.

Prokaryotic Diversity Web Site
Discover the intriguing, diverse and sometimes bizarre world of prokaryotes.

Viral Zoonose
Text and images describe diseases of animals that may be secondarily transmitted to man.

Zoosporic Fungi Online
Keep informed about what is being done with zoospore-producing fungi in microbiological research.



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