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Science and Technology (Biology) - Zoology - Birds



Admirable Bird
A tribute to some stuffed penguins and some real-life penguin links.

A connecting point for bird FAQ's, chat, events, links and resources.

Crocker's Ostrich Page
Bird lovers and meat retailers everywhere will find something in this massive collection of links.

Defenders of Wildlife
Encouraging and educating the public on the importance of the Wild Bird Conservaiton Act.

Duckies on the Web
An index of duck sites and duck lovers with thoughtful commentary and description.

Ducks of the World
A fabulous selection of the various duck species with photos, characteristics, nesting habits and global locale.

Eastern Screech Owl
An encyclopedic biology of the Red Screech Owl.

GooseRef Bibliography System
Devoted to the primary scientifc literature concerning all species of wild geese. Updated monthly.

Kirkleatham Owl Centre
One of the UK's largest bird of prey sanctuaries focusing on conservation and public education.

Minnesota Ducks Unlimited
Seeking to preserve and nurture the ducks of the region, and educate the public as to their status.

National Autobon Society
Find your local chapter, tons of resources and an events network. A must for bird enthusiasts.

Office of Migratory Bird Management
A government organization who monitors the migration of various species of birds and maintains their successful development. 

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Tuesday, July 03, 2001

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Ostrich Page
Check out "Completely Ostrich," a periodical, ostrich pictures and resellers information on the Thunder Chicken.

Ostrick-Emu InfoNet
General info about the bird's biology and nature, as well as resources for farming the Thunder Chicken.

Owl Page
Owl stories, links and a great gallery of photos and art.

Ringed Teal and British Waterfowl
A brief profile of this species of ornamental duck sponsored by this organization in the United Kingdom.

Shelducks of the World
A collection of photos and brief biological sketches of the most beautiful shelducks of the world.

Tateyama Wild Bird Sanctuary
Information on this Japanese environmental estate located in Minami Boso National Park.

True Geese of the World
Spotlight on the Anser species. Full-color photos, breeding and feeding habits and nesting tendencies.

True Geese of the World
The Branta species of goose is outlined in great detail, including color photos and informative tables of feeding, nesting and breeding instincts.

Wild Wings: Heading North
Track the Northern migration of ten brave snow geese through the wonderment of modern technology.

Willard's Ostrich Palace
Fans and aficionados will appreciate 25 strange ostrich facts, photos and more.




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