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Akhentef's World - The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt
Akhentef describes some of the gods and goddesses of Ancient Egypt and provides links to related online resources.

Alexandria, Egypt
A detailed description of this Mediterranean city includes information and images of interest to Egyptologists, archaeologists and historians.

Ancient Egypt Site, The
An interactive book teaches about Ancient Egyptian history, language and culture.

Ancient Egyptian 'Virtual Temple'
The boat is docked and waiting to take you on your journey to explore the realm known as Kemet, or Ancient Egypt.

Ancient Egyptian Art
An introduction to Egyptian art is followed by descriptions and images of the Emory University Museum's Egyptian galleries.

CCER List of Egyptological Institutions and Museums
The Centre for Computer-aided Egyptological Research (CCER) lists contact information for Egyptological Institutions and museums around the world.

Christina's Links To Ancient Egypt
Christina's links to online Egyptology resources come with short reviews.

Chronology: Egypt
A timeline of key events in Egyptian history links to a chronology of world history that puts Egyptian developments in a broader context.

Coptic Museum
Cairo Coptic Museum provides descriptions and photographs of its holdings.

Deep in the Tombs of Egypt
Kids help solve a mystery while they learn about Ancient Egyptian history and culture.

Department of Egyptian Antiquities
View images and read descriptions of the Egyptian antiquities collection at the Louvre Museum in Paris.

Digital Mummies
Learn about individual Egyptian pharaohs and the processes and rituals used in their mummification.

Directory of Ancient Egyptian Gods
Browse an alphabetical directory of ancient Egyptian gods and access a variety of online resources for Egyptologists.

Egypt Recources
Browse the Metropolitan Museum of Art's index of Internet resources on Egyptian art.

Egypt WWW Index
Surf an alphabetized assortment of links to Internet resources on Egypt and Egyptian studies.

Egyptological Fieldwork Directory
A directory of Egyptological fieldwork seeks to provide overviews of all current fieldwork projects

Egyptological Institutions
The ABZU Regional Index contains an alphabetized collection of links to Egyptological institutions around the world.

Egyptological Publishing Services
A publishing service for Egyptologists and scholars in related fields combines computer technology with Egyptological and graphic design expertise.

Frequently Asked Questions and Information about Egyptian Mythology
This FAQ contains short summaries explaining the functions of many of the more important gods worshiped in Ancient Egypt.

Giza Plateau Computer Model
The Oriental Institute describes its project to create a computer model of the entire Giza plateau and its architectural components.


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Date Modified:
Friday, April 25, 2003

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Glyph for Windows
Glyph for Windows is a hieroglyphic text processing program that runs within the Microsoft Windows environment.

Guardian's Sphinx
Find out why the Sphinx of Giza is a symbol that has represented the essence of Egypt for thousands of years.

House of Ptolemy, The
An annotated infobase was compiled to aid scholars in the study of the Ptolemaic, Roman Imperial and Byzantine rulers of Egypt based in Alexandria.

Jack's Egyptology Page
Jack keeps Egyptologists up to date with current news and pointers to Egyptology and archaeology resources on the Internet.

Jessica's Archaeology Links
Jessica's extensive collection of archaeology links is categorized by area of specialization, and includes resources for teachers and kids.

Resources on Egyptian Queen Nefertiti include essays, images and a collection of links.

Nom en Hieroglyphes
Obtain the phonetic spelling of your name in Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Oriental Institute Photographic Archives: Egypt
Photographs from the Archives are supplied with captions and information about obtaining your own copies.

Ptahhotep's Australian Egyptology Page
Ptahhotep's Australian Egyptology Page highlights contributions by Australians to the field of Egyptology.

Rediscovering Ancient Egyptian Beer
Ancient Egyptian inscriptions and documents show that beer, together with bread, was a daily food.

Reeder's Egyptology Page
Link to Internet resources describing the art, archaeology, religion and history of Egypt.

Scottish Egyptology
Scottish Egyptology provides news, reviews, exclusive photographs and information on the Scottish collections.

Sepdet's Ancient Egypt Archives
Sepdet maintains an index of online resources devoted to Ancient Egypt and Egyptology.

Splendors of Ancient Egypt
Envelop yourself in the historical splendors of Ancient Egypt while you trace the paths of kings and queens.

Step Pyramid Complex of Djoser, The
Tour the Precinct of Djoser and the Step Pyramid Complex with a click of your mouse.

Trumpet of Tutankhamun, The
Download and enjoy The Trumpet of Tutankhamun: a freeware educational program for PC (Microsoft Windows).



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