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Agriculture - Beef Organizations

American Angus Association
The home page of these beef cattle promoters consists of news, events and educational materials.

American Hereford Association
Hereford headquarters describes its services to members, listing historical and genetic information along with events.

American Jersey Cattle Association
Committed to breeding profitable dairy cattle, this organization publishes news, educational materials and events.

American Maine Anjou Association
This association provides information about personnel, membership rules, sires and the industry's trade publication.

Area 13 Brahman Breeders Association
Central United States breeders list ranches, sires, registry information, available semen and cattle buying tips.

British Columbia Cattlemen's Association
A Canadian beef growers' organization combines educational and promotional materials with industry news.

Canada Beef Export Federation
Industry-related information covers inspection and grading programs along with news about productivity and trade.

Canadian Charolais Association
Devoted to improving Charolais beef cattle, this association posts announcements, services and market development.

Carolinas Brahman Breeders Association
A group from both Carolinas provides organization news, live chat and upcoming events.

Holstein Association
A comprehensive source of Holstein news and information includes performance programs, pedigrees, software and more.

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Date Modified:
Thursday, April 24, 2003

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Miniature Cattle Breeds Registry, Inc.
This is the place to learn about mini-cattle, the registry organization and related publication.

New Zealand Angus Association
These beef growers detail carcass traits and testing, providing industry news, photos and a magazine.

New Zealand Hereford Association
Headquarters publishes breed plans, sales, beef promotions and kids' activities. Includes "red and white" gallery.

San Luis Obispo Cattle Women
Supporters and educators of the beef industry list programs, events, scholarships and fun kids' stuff.

Texas Cattle Feeders Association
Links point to board members, staff directory, history and member feedyards.

Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America
Registry headquarters provides organization information as well as youth and educational programs. Includes show circuit.

United Braford Breeders
Breeders will find livestock for sale, news and events. Includes breed history and organization philosophy.


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