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Education - College (Israel)

Bar-Ilan University
Israeli school seeks to blend heritage and modern technology, bringing together religious and secular Israelis. Overview of opportunities, resources and outreach.

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Israeli institution highlights engineering and computer and natural sciences, providing academic and student info -- mostly in English, some Hebrew.

Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The
Outlines academic units, campus personnel, locations, services and activities for graduates/undergraduates.

Open University of Israel, The
Israeli students benefit from distance-learning services (home-study system). Site offers academic and campus information.


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Tuesday, July 03, 2001

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Technion: Israel Institute of Technology
Institution produces a growing body of mechanical, biomedical, and agricultural engineers for the growing country. Programs, research and services.

Tel Aviv University
Largest Jewish university in the world focuses on Israeli social improvement, offering law, medical, Jewish, engineering and social studies.

University of Haifa
Israeli university describes academic program, guiding visitors to research, resources, services and directories.

Weismann Institute of Science
Israeli research-focused institute furnishes information about departments, facilities, events.

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