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Education - College (Denmark)

Aalborg Universitet
Denmark-based university offers programs, directories, research and more to undergraduates/postgraduates. Danish, English.

Aarhus School of Business
Denmark school offers bachelor's to doctoral degrees in two faculties. Get the whole story here. English.

Aarhus Tekniske Skole
Denmark technical center for "higher vocational education and training" profiles international courses. English, Danish.

Copenhagen Business School (CBS)
This institution describes studies for bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. Includes resources, services. English, Danish.

Danmarks Lærerhøjskole
The Royal Danish School of Educational Studies presents overviews of teachers' programs. Danish, limited English.

Det Noedvendige Seminarium (DNS)
International private teachers' college in Denmark summarizes programs, describing enrollment and financing options. English, Danish.

Handelshøjskole Syd - Ingeniørhøjskole Syd
Southern Denmark School for Business and Engineering outlines programs, tuition, extras. Danish, limited English.

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Tuesday, July 03, 2001

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Kgl. Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole
Check in with Denmark's Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University for news, departments, directories. Danish, English.

Københavns Universitet
Locate faculties, telephone numbers and student pages provided by the University of Copenhagen. Danish, English.

Odense Universitet
Four faculties serve 10,500 Denmark students at this university. Explore programs, research, more. English, Danish.

Roskilde Universitetsbibliotek
Details aplenty (in English, Danish) about departments, campus resources, news come from this Denmark university.

University of Aarhus
Prospective students, scan this Denmark university for departments, study information, campus contact. English, Danish.


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