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Education - College (Colorado)

Adams State College
Colorado institution provides information about campus and locale, highlighting academics, athletics, services and student life.

Colorado School of Mines
Institution chisels its Web site with programs, admission requirements, research, services financial aid and more.

Colorado State University
An abundance of graduate/undergraduate information hails from this high-country institution, including athletic opportunities.

Fort Lewis College
Colorado institution demonstrates what it can offer for programs, financial aid, housing and other services.

Mesa State College
Prospective students can investigate academic programs, financial aid and other offerings from this Colorado college.

Metropolitan State College of Denver
This mile-high institution offers information on academics, services, athletics and admission requirements.


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Date Modified:
Tuesday, July 03, 2001

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University of Colorado at Boulder
Boulder bears bountiful academic and campus information for those interested in programs and student life.

University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Academic and campus information comes from this institution situated in the shadow of Pike's Peak.

University of Northern Colorado
Institution flags its colleges and departments, providing information about research, athletics, financial aid, other services.

University of Southern Colorado
Here, USC rounds up information about programs, admissions, athletics, organizations and services.

Western State College of Colorado
Front-page slide show compliments general info outlining academic opportunities and life in the mountains.


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