Jungle Gym Tag

Three to ten players (depending on how big the jungle gym is)  JG
Tag is Simple Tag confined to a Jungle Gym (ours had three slides, monkey
bars/rings, tire and rope nets, and several bridges, etc.).  The last
person to get on the equipment is IT; the ground is off limits; if you
walk/jump on the ground then you become IT - older kids could give 1 to 2
second leeway to smaller kids.  IT may not walk on the ground to get
to another player easier; a 5 second penalty shall be enforced in
such situations.  There are no tag-backs for 5 seconds.  Play continues
until your mom comes and tells you that you're grounded for a week, or
someone breaks an arm attempting to jump from the slide to the monkey

Contributed by Bryan Aupperle

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